Diabetic runners and cyclists rely on energy gels as much as any endurance sports enthusiasts, but carb spikes from conventional maltodextrin gels can be harmful to people living with the condition.
Buzz Power Energy uses only raw honey, straight from our sustainable hives - we never use blended honey, or mix our honey with artificial, processed sugars, such as maltodextrin. So we were delighted that soon after we launched Buzz Power Energy we started receiving positive reviews from runners and cyclists living with diabetes.
Healthline.com has warned that diabetic endurance athletes should be particularly careful when using energy gels based on maltodextrin, which would include most commonly available energy supplements. Maltodextrin gels rank high on the glycaemic index so can cause sharp blood sugar spikes.
Many of our regular customers live with diabetes and send us great feedback! Take this one from Ross Mallen, who has Type 1 diabletes and typically cycles 250/300 miles each week:
"Great product, particularly for a diabetic like myself. I used Buzz Power the other day and had no massive glucose spike (sometimes I have to eat a half a normal gel to avoid a spike, but trying to put an open gel back in your jersey never goes well). No upset stomach, no huge thirst for water after consuming, the list of good things goes on. So bravo!”
And this one from Craig Jones:
“Honey is a wonder stuff it has no downside and to find I can use it during a race as a diabetic (type 2) was a joy. I love it and it’s a perk on a long run day too.”
We had another response from Type 1 professional cyclist with Team Novo Norisk Ross Brand:
“Superb. I cannot express how wonderful the Buzz gels are. Your products are fantastic”
Anyone who takes part in an endurance sports activity will know that a carbohydrate boost is essential because after a while your body simply runs out of its own energy reserves.
However, diabetics have to take special care to avoid sugar spikes caused by the artificial sugars found in many conventional energy gels based on maltodextrin. Hard sugar spikes can be avoided by using a carbohydrate source based on organic, pure honey, such as Buzz Power Energy.
Not only is Buzz Power Energy easy to digest but it is a perfect balance of fructose (slow release sugar) and glucose (fast release sugar). A recent independent laboratory analysis reported that Buzz Power Energy honey sugars are comprised of 52% fructose and 48% glucose.
The honey used to make Buzz Power Energy Original Sachets is certified organic by the US Food and Drug Administration and complies with all relevant EU regulations. This is important because only pure multifloral honey guarantees the necessary balance of sugars for people living with diabetes.
Worryingly, lesser brands might be using poor quality imported honey. The UK imported 36,000 tons of honey from China in 2022 and Chinese honey is regularly adulterated by the addition of glucose syrup. All of the 10 tested samples of UK "blended" honey analysed by EU regulators contained artificial glucose syrup.
Producers of lesser quality honey-based energy supplements, using blended honey, put their diabetic customers at risk because of the high glucose content.
Buzz Power Original is the only energy supplement based on the natural sugars contained in organic, pure honey - with a perfect balance of glucose (for quick release energy) and fructose (for a slower release).
Additionally, the viscous texture of honey means that dispensing the contents in small regular doses is much easier compared to most liquid conventional maltodextrin gels, which generally have to be emptied completely when opened.
Of course, it's essential that diabetics consult with their health care provider to ensure proper management of carbohydrate intake and insulin during training and competition. Diabetes UK have a number of training plans for diabetics thinking about long distance events (as well as shorter plans).
As conventional maltodextrin energy gels contain high concentrations of processed sugars, the medical consensus is that they should be avoided by people with diabetes.
Healthline.com has warned that diabetic endurance athletes should be particularly careful when using energy gels based on maltodextrin, which would include most commonly available energy supplements. Maltodextrin gels rank high on the glycaemic index so can cause sharp blood sugar spikes.
Research papers published by the US National Library of Medicine have shown that excessive consumption of fructose in the form of processed sugars increases the production of uric acid, resulting in high blood pressure, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
As conventional maltodextrin energy gels contain high concentrations of processed sugars, the medical consensus is that they should be avoided by people with diabetes.
However, the good news is that there is no reason why people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes should not participate in endurance sports like running and cycling. Diabetes.co.uk recommends that running is an ideal form of exercise for people with diabetes as it helps to improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and can be especially useful for people with Type 2 diabetes to help counter insulin resistance.
Another great resource for diabetics interested in endurance running or cycling is Richard Hudson who has run several marathons since being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in his mid 30’s and is now nudging a three hour target. He writes about his experience on runsweet.com and you can find him on Facebook @Runsweet.
Buzz Power Energy products retain all the natural benefits of raw, unpasteurised honey including trace elements, vitamins and amino acids and flavonoids. These additional compounds combine to produce the powerful antioxidant properties of honey that naturally combat the health-threatening effects of fructose sugar.
Buzz Power Energy honey is well suited to athletes living with diabetes. Provided of course that whatever sugar carbohydrate source you prefer you still carry out proper glucose and insulin management to stay healthy and of course always follow the guidance of your health care provider.
If you are interested in sharing your experience of marathon running, long distance cycling or other endurance sports while living with diabetes, we'd love to hear from you at info@buzz-power.co.uk.
Hannah Rand