“Honey may just have it all - it is an entirely natural, vegetarian-friendly product that's a great source of fuel for sport.”
As our good friends at Runner's World say, honey really is one of the best sources of simple carbohydrate and is easily absorbed by the body. Studies have shown that honey performs as well as glucose (the energy source in most commercial energy gels) in sports performance nutrition.
However, honey is also well known for it's antiseptic properties and antioxidant-boosting power, actively protecting the body from infections. As a result, it has plenty of powerful health benefits beyond sport.
Read on to find out how honey can benefit your recovery, health and good living beyond the finish line.
As a sugar source, honey is easy on the stomach and is said to be a powerful remedy for acid reflux and stomach ulcers. It’s also a prebiotic, which means it nourishes the good bacteria that live in the intestines.
Honey is a natural antiseptic. If you have a less than race-ready sore throat, mix a sachet of Buzz Power with four tablespoons of cider vinegar and some salt, and gargle. If you happen to get stung, burnt or grazed while on a race or otherwise, squeeze some Buzz Power onto your injury - it will speed recovery and soothe pain.
Honey is widely known as an effective remedy against the effects of hay fever. The trace pollen in honey acts like an inoculation, which is said to lessen symptoms. If you love getting out into the great outdoors, don’t be put off by red eyes and wheezing. Find a local provider of untreated, unpasteurised honey and take a spoonful regularly.
If you fall off your bike, or take a tumble while running, you can use honey as an antiseptic salve to stop bleeding and reduce infection in dirty grazes (until you can clean it properly).
As a food, honey is a wonderfully nutritious, natural and tasty food. As Buzz Power is made from untreated, pure honey, please don’t give any to children under 12 months old. (Raw untreated honey can contain botulism. The risk is very small, and almost unheard of in the UK, but it's best to be safe and protect our future runners and cycle champions. Buzz Power is 100% safe to enjoy after the age of one year old.)
As a rule, energy drinks, shots, or supplements are not given to children under 12 or even 16 years old. Let's face it, they have enough natural energy already.
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